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Xclusive Hire

Xclusive Hire was a business struggling with an existing website. RU Digital helped them to not only clean up the look of this website, which was mostly a redesign, but also organise their content. Additionally, all of their assets were being manually added as content on a page, so to help make this more uniform, and user friendly for Xclusive Hire, we created an entire admin section for their Hotels, Yachts and Luxury Vehicles.

We also identified some manual booking processes that could be automated via the website and saved a lot of time for processing time for Xclusive’s day to day operations.

Additionally, we identified that the website hosting they were using was subpar and helped them out with a better service to improve website speed and performance.

This website is responsive for ease of use on mobile devices.

  • Clients:
    Xclusive Hire
  • Category:
    ProjectsWebsite DevelopmentWordpress
  • Date:
    March 2021