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Queensland Government Business Grants Logo
The Queensland Government is currently accepting applications for the Business Basic Grants Program.

South East Queensland's $5,000 Business Basic Grants Program | Round 3

Eligible business size: Small Business
Status:  Closed
Opening Date:  

  • Regional Queensland funding stream – 9am, Monday 16 May
  • South East Queensland funding stream – 9am, Tuesday 17 May.

South East Queensland businesses may be eligible to apply for a single grant payment of $5,000 (excluding GST).  The Business Basic Grants Program (Round 3) is currently in the Pre-Launch phase, and opens on 4th May 2022.  The grant program is competitively assessed, not all applications are funded. 

Round 3 has 2 streams dedicated to SEQ and Regional Queensland and may close at different times. 


Not all business activities are eligible for the grant programs. Please check carefully to see the eligible and non-eligible activities. 

Training and coaching
  • Business development, marketing, human resources or business planning topics
  • Training or coaching of up to 4 months in duration
Website build or upgrades
  • Website build or upgrade (including website refresh)
  • Adding e-commerce
  • Developing new website content
Professional business advice
  • Business plans
Strategic marketing services
  • Strategic marketing plans including search engine optimisation advice
Business continuity and succession
  • Business continuity and succession plans
  • Cybersafety training and tools
Queensland Government grants program won’t cover:
  • activities bought using cryptocurrencies, barter, or services in-kind
  • general business operating costs (e.g. bookkeeping or accounting, tax returns)
  • real estate/property, hire, lease, or rental fees
  • goods, services, or fees from related parties (include companies with common shareholdings or directors, employees or immediate family)
  • travel
  • franchise fees
  • purchase of stock
  • GST, registration, and fees
  • maintenance of existing digital technologies
  • computer hardware (e.g. computer servers, PCs, tablets/iPads, mobile phones)
  • other hardware/devices/equipment (e.g. televisions, EFTPOS, card and chip readers)
  • activities purchased through direct selling (e.g. by party plan or network marketing)
  • delivery, credit card and transaction fees
  • memberships and joining fees
  • salaries
  • fleet vehicles
  • website hosting
  • implementation of marketing tactics such as advertising, direct marketing (e.g. telemarketing) or campaign delivery (e.g. Google AdWords, Facebook advertising or similar expenses).

If you meet the criteria outlined (from the Queensland Government) then please continue reading to see more details on the approved activities

To be eligible for this grant, your business must:
To be eligible for this grant, your business must:

If you meet the criteria outlined (from the Queensland Government) then please continue reading to see more details on the approved activities


Applications open at 9am, 4 May 2022. 

Applications will close when the Queensland Government has received sufficient applications for a competitive assessment for the SEQ and regional streams.

The application process is competitively assessed, so not all applications are funded.

That’s where we come in though! Apply below and we’ll get you a “grant-friendly” proposal back in no time!

We have lots of knowledge and experience with grant applications, so we understand what is needed for the application and will tailor your needs to meet the requirements as best we can.

Once we have reviewed your request, we will provide free advice on where to allocate your funding to get the most bang for buck. 

We will then quickly email you your “grant-friendly” proposal so you’re ready to apply!

These grants are VERY competitive and not all applicants are guaranteed funding.

Don’t delay, applications open on 4 May 2022 at 9am!

When applications open, you must complete an online application in SmartyGrants. Applications submitted in person, via email or Australia Post will be ineligible.

Your application must include the following documents:

  • signed and witnessed statutory declaration from the business’s owner or director stating the business meets all grant eligibility criteria
  • supplier quotes (no more than 2), dated after 13 April 2022, detailing description and costs of services, who will undertake the activity, and an outline of key activities. You will only be able to upload 1 quote per supplier.

Following closure of the round, we then run a competitive assessment process.

We will advise all applicants of the outcome of their grant application. Successful applicants will receive an approval letter outlining the funding agreement.


Grant recipients enter into a funding agreement with us and receive a single upfront grant payment of $5,000 (excluding GST).

Recipients must complete their grant-funded activity within 4 months of receiving their approval letter.

You must keep all application evidence, supplier quotes, corresponding invoices and bank transactions for audit purposes.

Recipients will be surveyed within 6 months after completion of the grant program.

Refer to the application guidelines for a comprehensive overview of each stage of the application process.


The quickest way to get a grant friendly proposal is to fill in the simple form.  Once we have reviewed your request, we will provide free advice on where to allocate your funding to get the best results for your business.

We will then email you your “grant-friendly” proposal so you’re ready to apply!

Don’t delay, applications open on 4 May 2022 at 9am!

Applications for this round are now closed. Good luck to everyone who managed to get their application in. 


The quickest way to get a grant friendly proposal is to fill in the simple form.  Once we have reviewed your request, we will provide free advice on where to allocate your funding to get the best results for your business.

We will then email you your “grant-friendly” proposal so you’re ready to apply!

Don’t delay, applications open on 4 May 2022 at 9am!

Your business has fewer than 20 employees(Required)
The business has an expected turnover of $300,000 or less for the current financial year?(Required)
You have an active ABN(Required)
You business has not been approved for funding under round 1 or 2 of the Business Basics Grants program?(Required)
You are registered for GST(Required)
The owners or directors of this business are not insolvent or an undischarged bankrupt?(Required)

Information on this page has been procured from the QLD Government Business Basics  Grants website.